Selasa, 24 Januari 2017

How to use the right keywords on the blog

How to use the right keywords on the blog - Bloggers, in previous posts I've discussed various articles now I will discuss about How to use the right keywords in the blog which will be helpful for a blog that quickly indexed by Google.

When we surf to find the definite article we look at other people's blog or website that is rated one in the search, in addition to a nice article installation engineering course descriptions and meta keywords tag and its very right on target.

The more often your blog or website we visit people will rise as well the popularity of our blog or website, besides embedding descriptions, meta tags and keywords it would also have the right, because a lot of blogs or websites that ranked in the bottom because it is less precise mounting description, meta tags and keywords.

Culture as a legacy of grandchildren

Culture as a legacy of grandchildren - Kids are the future generation who would later become a leader, many ways to shape the child's psyche that will become our substitute leader of one of them by introducing them to the culture so that one day they will not forget history.

In recent years Indonesia experienced many disasters such as earthquakes and natural disasters such as landslides, floods and forest fires. The natural disasters could damage the historical sites such as temples and royal as in the area jogyakarta.

The introduction of the history is very important, like the hero of the struggle and the struggle of our ancestors build this incredible nation. As we give such knowledge, one day our children will always uphold the principle of struggle.

Although today we struggled but we did not struggle as fighters when the nation's independence, our struggle is just to learn and respect others.

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2013

Why adsense so favorite bloggers

Learn seo - After the inter-blog post about backlinks, seo learning now will share about Why adsense so favorite bloggers. Adsense according to most bloggers are very perfect advertising provider, which makes a perfect adsense as he followed keyword advertising was ever we are looking for in the search menu. So if your blog has adsense ads will most likely get it money from adsense.

Additionally, Google Adsense also has super strict rules to the publisher of the ad, which I really like about these rules is not permissibility sara (ethnicity, race and religion), content that contains pornography, violence and illegal trade. Things like that so I support and I could not agree with such things because to avoid the strange notion of some bloggers who like such.

How to sign up to adsense also known to be very complicated, as account must be more than 6 months, the article should be more than 60 and the original article without copy paste from your blog or website to others. And again that I support fully to explore the creativity of a blogger.

So, for you guys who want to earn money on the internet through adsense please be patient and increase your creativity so quickly accepted and menggalir money from your blog account 

Jumat, 27 September 2013

Friendship link function

learn seo


Learn SEO - Friendship link function is very needed by a blog, why? As in our daily lives, when we rarely have any friends, then whenever there is no activity or work that we need we will not know because of the lack of information that we can, but in the blog, this friendship link serves as a medium to accelerate and improve the google index reputation of our blog or website.

So the more we make friends with other blogs then Google will assume you've seen very often, so when people search with the keywords your blog or website who will advise by google. Not an easy thing to get the trust from google but continuous hard work

Senin, 23 September 2013

Why seo is needed

Learn seo - In the Internet world, as we walked to the area that we have not had to go and we need a guide in order not to get lost or can also be called the spice in the food that will make the food sold in the market and many are buying.

Usually a master seo create a blog or a website will be very easy to find by visitors who are looking for articles on the internet. When we walked into the area that we have not touched it with the guide will give you the right direction.

SEO will provide benefits that are very important in the body of your blog / website, with keyword search over the internet or media such as google search will lead us on the blog SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimizing.

So if you want to build a website, learn first with a free media such as blogspot or wordpress so that later on when buying a domain and paid hosting you will understand and make the website as a moneymaker.

Social networking as a medium for the publication of articles

Learn SEO - With the social network can now be accessed via mobile phones is very easy for bloggers to spread their article recently wrote in his blog, now almost everyone has a mobile phone and they also have a facebook and twitter account.

Both social networks are like snacks that are always in the hands of the lovers of the internet, with the two social networks that we can use to spread our article, I think seven of the ten articles that we put into social media facebook or twitter will be read the or in view.

For bloggers who are new to the blogger would have no hassles with the result that most of the total visitors who come to their blogs, probably of ten articles that they made ​​two or three people who will see it when people are looking for in the search engines.

By utilizing social networking, most likely there will be more than five visitors from the first two to three visitors in a few weeks, because the article you will be in the google index first before appearing on the surface.

So wait no more, please use the social media as a platform to quickly share articles you read and detected in google search engine

Minggu, 22 September 2013

Benefits of blogs for knowledge

Benefits of blogs for knowledge - learning seo will now share the knowledge of what the benefits of a blog that we've created with original writing and based on the experience we have ever experienced. Blog is an outpouring of the heart of the author so that the reader knows what is in the heart or a community which the author wrote.

Benefits of blogs you can feel when you read articles like this, people will not think even indifferent to other people when the article is being read articles that they ignore. There are some previous knowledge that we do not know to be a new addition to our science.

As his case study of HTML or about seo is in the study of science bloggers. SEO will not exist when no one is searching on the internet, then the relationship between the writer and the reader very closely to produce new knowledge